The Midland International Airport Terminal Building is a 160,000-SF, two-story facility constructed in conjunction with the City of Midland's Airport Carrier Apron. Tight scheduling and coordination with airport personnel were required to ensure daily uninterrupted passenger access and aircraft arrivals and departures. Site improvements included over 100,000 SF of concrete paving, 300 parking spaces covered by arched metal roofs, walkways, and canopies. The terminal has an open, contemporary design with metal-skinned vaulted roofs, clerestory windows, and exposed steel trusses. Interior finishes include granite flooring, decorative perforated metal, and tiled wall features. This project demonstrates Cerris Builders' ability to manage construction of a high-quality, municipal project while maintaining public access.
Midland, TX // 160,000 SF // City of Midland // Parkhill, Smith & Cooper // General Construction